Zachary Kauffman - Software: AWS and Embedded

I'm Zachary Kauffman and am a senior in Computer Engineering.

My areas of focus are Embedded Systems and Computer Networking. In this project, I built the networking skeleton from the frontend down to the TI Launchpad, and focused my work on the AWS infrastructure and programming the launchpad.

Professional Experience in College

  • Maverick Software Consulting software intern 2018-2019
  • IBM Quantum firmware development coop 2020-present

After graduation, I plan to move to Rochester, MN and continue working with the IBM Quantum Instrument Control team.

Daniel Phalen - Hardware: PCB design

I'm Daniel Phalen, and a senior in Electrical Engineering. My area of focus is semiconductors and for this project I am working with hardware design team.

Thomas Smeed - Hardware: PCB design

I'm Thomas Smeed and I am a senior in Electrical Engineering. My area of focus is embedded systems and for this project I am working with the hardware design team.

Walter Gilbert - Software: AWS and React

I'm Walter Gilbert, and I am a senior in Software Engineering. I primarily work with front end software, so I will mostly be working on the React App for people to view the sensor data.

Mason Gil - Software: AWS and React

Software engineer with an interest in webdev and linux. With this app I'm working on building the front end and connecting it to AWS